Comfort Heaters for Outdoor Living
Efficient, Performance Driven Heaters for your Home or Business. Make your patio, restaurant, or outdoor kitchen comfortable throughout the shoulder seasons. Aura heaters will elevate your outdoor oasis.
Efficient, Performance Driven Heaters for your Home or Business. Make your patio, restaurant, or outdoor kitchen comfortable throughout the shoulder seasons. Aura heaters will elevate your outdoor oasis.
Our end-user focus creates demand for the products we represent and our highly professional business ensures quality representation.
Distributors are the life blood of our industry. It is our goal to grow profitable sales by reducing the transactional cost for distribution.
We support architects and engineers in the specifying process. And we support the electricians in the installation of the products we represent.
We look at Flynn & Reynolds as a trade partner in helping us select products and we rely on them for their technical expertise when we have an issue. They are there when we need them, they answer the phones, they have the answers that we need and if they don’t they get them for us quickly.
They are well respected in the industry, with the contractor’s group and the contractors, because they service – it’s all about service.
Flynn & Reynolds is unique, because their salesmen are very accommodating when it comes to meeting on job sites with little notice. Response time in this business is very important and they respond very quickly.
Flynn & Reynolds has been built on relationships, internally and externally. We are relationship builders. That’s what our industry is, that’s what becomes successful and that’s what brings long-term success.